Coated Self Drilling Screws

 Definition of Self-drilling screws:

Self-drilling screws are self-tapping screws featuring a drill point used to drill a hole and simultaneously create the mating threads to fasten two pieces of material together. The sharp tip or notch is the unique characteristic that helps identify self-drilling screws that are ideally suited for drilling into wood and metal substructures. The tapered tip acts in the same manner as a drill bit which, along with the natural razor-sharp cutting thread drill, or tap the hole for the fastening process.

In the case of self-drilling screws, the regular need for a pre-drilled pilot hole is no longer necessary as self-drilling screws can tap their own holes and give the design of these screws. Unlike self-tapping screws, which cannot drill through metal objects, self-drilling screws can quickly drill through metal materials and do not need a pilot hole to do so. This feature of self-drilling screws gives it an advantage over self-tapping screws and is more cost-effective, especially in metal projects.

Different variants of self-drilling screws:

The drill point or tip of any self-drilling screw is key to bringing enhanced levels of efficiency for drilling, and tapping projects lead to dual benefits of faster turnaround times at lower costs. The sharp drill point gives the self-drilling screws the ability to fasten at least ½” thick steel to a secondary substructure without much difficulty. Self-drilling screws from global manufacturers like EJOT are available for many construction projects with varying thread lengths, head styles, and drill flute lengths.

The common types of self-drilling screws that are readily available are CSK Head, Pan Head, Wafer Head, Truss Head, Hex Head, among many others. It is crucial to determine the material or materials and their thickness before deciding which self-drilling screw is best suited for the project. Due to not needing a pre-drilled or tapped pilot hole, installing all self-drilling screws requires a simple screw gun instead of a cumbersome drill.

Self-drilling coated screws made by EJOT.

EJOT self-drilling screws join components seamlessly by drilling, forming the thread, and fastening the necessary materials. Purchasing self-drilling screws from EJOT gives engineers and project managers the option of purchasing pre-assembled sealing washers along with the screws.  

Each coated self-drilling screws manufactured by EJOT uses best-of-breed materials, state-of-the-art technology, and strict adherence to compliance standards. Each screw goes through multiples tests for performance, safety, and overall quality.

The coating of these screws performs a protective first layer to prevent these screws from rusting. The premium Anti-Corrosive protective coating protects the self-drilling screws from severe weather conditions like heavy humidity, pollution, acid rains, and UV rays. EJOT has ensured that the heads of its self-drilling screws are given extra protection as only the head of the screws is in direct contact with the environment. The most significant benefit of using self-drilling screws made by EJOT is that stainless steel screws can be opted for in extreme weather conditions or zinc-coated self-drilling screws are the ideal choice for areas not impacted much by changing weather conditions. All these factors are responsible for the making of self-drilling screws from EJOT that are strong, durable, and can withstand the harshest of environments bringing peace of mind to homeowners and project managers alike. 


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